My second book, New Critical Thinking: What Wittgenstein Offered.
The Flexible Constitution
My first book, The Flexible Constitution
Working Papers
Old Working Papers
On this page, I have stored some old working papers and some abandoned projects. These at least contain some decent ideas:
On the Problems of Political Science and the Nonsense of Quantitative Ideology Models
The Attitudinal Model, Political Science, Ecological Fallacy and Exaggeration
Dormant Program
My scholarship changed in 2007, when I abandoned quantitative judicial “ideology models” in favor of pursuing legal philosophy. The conversion had to do with becoming Wittgensteinian and no longer believing in the field's integrity. This material is slated to be substantially overhauled in my ideology book. I cannot vouch for its worth in the present format, because it offers criticism from the perspective of one still under certain charms of the field. The criticism, one wants to say, lives within a jar.
The Attitudinal Model, Political Science, Ecological Fallacy and Exaggeration
The Effect of Ideology on Supreme Court Judging Over Time: An Influence on the Decline?
I don't write for journals; I write books. I do not like the article format. And I generally do not like co-authoring. I publish a sole authored monograph once every five years. I never pre-publish the content in journals. And nor do I regurgitate the book content after the fact. I simply don't do journal articles.